Thursday, December 6, 2012


I am extremely happy to know that more and more companies are interested to support the MT-SEA Oneloft with the new partnership of Lakpue Drugs, Inc. During my last visit to the OLR loft, I have witnessed the technical team of Lakpue administering deworming to all the birds. They have also took over the medical treatment to ensure that all birds are free from any deseases. Thus, we expect the OLR birds to perform even better in the coming months during trainings and racings. With the supports coming from all sectors, there is no doubt that it will bring the success of MT-SEA OLR to a new height. Congratulations to the Organizer!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The more that I got involved, the more that I realized that there are so much more to learn. When the MS-OLR Organizer decided that the final race will be on March 3, 2012. We have to start working back on the race schedules. Matnog race should not be later than Feb. 25 and Legaspi race should not be later than Feb. 18. Since we are not certain of the weather condition and that no race point is allowed to be cancelled, we have to give one week allowance as contingency to the First Race. Thus, Feb. 12 was tentatively set as the first race in Legaspi.

On Saturday morning, the birds were basketted with a final entries of 449 birds. On the same afternoon, the Organizer when to my house to discuss about the different scenario, since both of us felt that it is very unlikely that we could release the birds on Sunday. We have reviewed the different weather forecasting stations and made a lot of calculations. We predicted that the weather in Legaspi could improve in the later part of the morning, but the entire Camarines and Quezon provinces, which is the path of our feather athletes will remained under heavy rain and strong winds.

On Feb. 12 (SUNDAY), our fear turned to be a reality. Legaspi is raining hard in the morning. Thus, a decision was immediately made to hold over the birds. Metro Manila weather is overcast and started to rain in the afternoon.

On Feb. 13 (MONDAY), it is fair weather in Legaspi, but the weather in Metro Manila, together with the adjascent provinces remained not so good. As we foresee that the weather in Bicol region will turn bad again on Tuesday and continue to be bad for the next few days, a decision has to be made. We know that there is a risk in releasing the birds, but holding further will not do us any better. Go! The birds were finally liberated at exactly 7:00am. We are very excited when the first dropper was clocked at 11:13am. As of 1:56pm, 224 birds were clocked which represents 50%.

I have been an officer for 25 years in one of our country's most prestigeous Racing Pigeons Club, but helping manage the MS-OLR gives me some new challenges. Not only that we have to monitor the weather continuously, we also have to make a lot of calculations on the flying path.

Congratulations to all the participants who have clocked their birds today. I hope that we will continue to have good races in Matnog, Sorsogon and Allen, Samar.

Good luck to all! Cheers!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


It was a Saturday morning (Jan.28) when I received a call from Joseph Yap. Are you busy today? No! Why? JY, I need some help on our Benzing system. OK, when are you coming? JY, right away! After about half an hour, our doorbell rung and I knew It's Joseph.

We discussed some of the problems that he had been experiencing. JY, should we consider subscribing to the program of Benzing for a regular updates? How much are they charging? JY, 6,000 EURO plus 1,000 EURO annually. Are you crazy? Where do we get the money?

With the help of my son, we were able to update all the gender and color of the surviving birds. It took us a few hours to finish it. JY, Whoooohhh! The participants should be very happy to see the gender and real color in tomorrows' training results.

Later on the same day, Joseph was in the MS-OLR to register the birds for the Ragay training. Some birds did not register and these were set aside. After all the registered birds were loaded to the transporter, he had to recheck what happened to the unregistered birds. Apparently, a few of them were not clocked in the earlier training. Thus, were not in the records when we did the updates. Though with no help from us, he was able to fix and register all the remaining birds.

Early Sunday morning (Jan. 29), I received a text from Joseph providing me with the Ragay informations on coordinates and distance. The birds were released at 6:45am and the weather was excellent. Thanks and Good Luck was my response to him.

At about past 10am, I received a call from him. His voice stuttering and seems in big panic. JY, More than 400 birds arrived already. Good! What's the problem? JY, because of the updates that we made last night, the Benzing Clock was not set at the RACING MODE. The loftmen were so happy to see the 1st group of almost 100 birds arriving, but were shocked when the clock is not registering the arrival of the birds. Never mind, nothing is perfect was the only consoling words that I could give him at that time.

As part of the Organizing Team, I was also dissapointed. However, Joseph is only one man doing everythings by himself. If only, there are other supporters around. This simple error might have been avoided. Looking on the brighter side, this thing happened at a time when crucial races are fast approaching. Therefore, I believe this is one lesson learned. Even the loftmen are now taught to be on the watch at all time.

Good Luck to all participants and enjoy our main event on March 3, 2012. We will be having a Roasted Calf in a fiesta atmosphere. Join and let's all have FUN!


If only, there is a way for me to turn back the time, I would not have offered my assistance to organize the Mount-Sea Oneloft. I probably might have saved the Organizer from spending so much money and time from a seemingly un-ending problems.

We have witnessed how a young energetic person in the name of Joseph Yap worked very hard to fulfill a dream of having a successful oneloft race in the Philippines. After seeing his persistency, despite of a failure in the so called Labrador OLR, he seemed more challenged in standing up after the bad fall. With a sympathetic feeling, I have commited myself to assist him in the best that I could. Mount-Sea was offered to him as a new venue and many more people have finally agreed to help in different ways.

So far, The MS-OLR is running on its third year. We could conclude that it was successful, as it is the first time that OLR in the Philippines was able to hold this long. But all of these success comes with a price. His family and business were both affected because of the time that he is spending to tender the MS-OLR.

We are supporting him without having any personal benefits. These are done voluntarily to give him all the moral, physical and financial supports to let the whole world racing pigeon hobbyists know that the Philippines could also runs an OLR professionally and successfully.

MS-OLR will have it's final event on March 3, 2012. We are very confident that more fanciers will join and more participants is expected in the coming year. The biggest challenge right now is
how the Organizer could continue to improve the operations without sacrificing too much.